Discontent festers at the fringes of the Galactic Empire. Seditious whispers across light years of empty space have grown to a chorus of audacity, forcing the Senate to acknowledge open rebellion as a real possibility. Unrest organizes in the shadows of sovereign space as the Senate remains divided ...
Discontent festers at the fringes of the Galactic Empire. Seditious whispers across light years of empty space have grown to a chorus of audacity, forcing the Senate to acknowledge open rebellion as a real possibility. Unrest organizes in the shadows of sovereign space as the Senate remains divided on to how meet and suppress the growing threat.
The rebellious for their part lack focus; their discord matched only by their hatred of the Galactic Empire. Competing visions of what life after the Empire should look like prevent cooperation between the rebellious factions. Leaders arise out of the squabble to gather about them the forces to achieve their righteous views of the future.
You are one of these leaders and it is up to you to organize your faction, to mobilize a rebellion, and to defeat the Galactic Empire.